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Arrival, Departure and Bus Travel

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For safety and security, ALL children must be signed in on arrival and signed out on departure. The time must also be noted. No child will be allowed to leave the Preschool with a person other than the parents or authorised persons stated on the enrolment form, unless prior arrangements have been made with the Director. If someone other than yourself is to collect your child, the Director must receive a written note or phone call giving authorisation. Children are never to enter or depart on their own.


All children must be collected before 4pm.


Travel to Preschool by bus is a private arrangement made between parents and the bus service. Responsibility for children travelling to and from preschool must be accepted by the parents. For children who will be travelling to preschool by bus it is a requirement that the parent sign a bus permission form found within the enrolment form prior to the child's attendance at preschool.


It is a parent's responsibility to inform the Director if travel arrangements alter.


Please arrange with your bus proprietor if your child is to travel by bus. Please ensure that he/she knows when and if your child will be travelling. Bus proprietors may charge for the preschooler's travel. Bus drivers will collect children from the preschool premises.


The bus proprietors are:


Baldry                               John Dawson                                     0481 349 151

Eurimbla                          Lou Spicer                                          02 6367 7260

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