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Policies provide a strong framework within which parents, staff and children are able to work and interact. Our policies guide the practices for the day to day running of the preschool. The preschool has a comprehensive set of policies which are kept on the premises and is available for you to read at any time. Our policies are reviewed regularly and new policies are developed as required by Education and Care Services National Regulations, WHS guidelines or as new research requires. Your comments and feedback regarding our policies is welcome at any time.


We are funded by both your fees and by DEC. This money is managed by our management committee. We are a not for profit organisation, which means that all monies are returned to the running of the preschool.


We also rely on funding through fundraising activities. This fundraising money is used to purchase new and interesting equipment to help extend the learning opportunities for all children and to assist in the running of the preschool. We ask for your support in both helping to organise events and providing financial support.

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