What to Bring

Each child is required to bring a piece of fruit or fresh vegetable sticks for Morning Tea. We encourage children to eat fruit/vegetables first at morning tea before having anything else.
Children need to bring a healthy lunch. A bottle of water for use throughout the day should also be brought along and placed into the drink trolley. Please do not send sweets, chips, chocolatey foods, soft drinks etc. Extremely unhealthy foods will be sent home, and the child will be given an alternative snack from Preschool. Please place lunchboxes into the Fridge provided. Due to the potential risk that peanut and other nut products can cause to some children, we have a 'no nut product' policy within the Preschool. This includes peanut butter, nutella, peanut muesli bars, biscuits and all nuts.
Children are to wear casual 'less than good' clothes, clearly labelled and weather appropriate. It is encouraged that children wear t-shirts rather than singlet style tops or dresses, due to sun protection (see sun safety policy). Children are to wear a wide brimmed or legionnaire style hat (no caps) all through the year and practical shoes (sandals, joggers etc., no thongs) that allow freedom in physical activities. The Preschool has a limited supply of spare clothes, therefore it is suggested a full set of spare clothes be packed. Preschool can sometimes get very messy and accidents do happen.
Preschool provides suncreen for use by all children. In summer please apply suncreen upon arrival as we go outside first thing in the morning to beat the heat. If the children go outside again, staff will be responsible for ensuring that all children apply sunscreen prior to this time.
Please clearly label all of your child's belongings and possessions.
It is appreciated if your child leaves their toys and other possessions at home. Any possessions brought must come entirely at the parents' own risk with regard to breakage or loss. Your child will be offered opportunities to bring special items along during term as part of our planned experiences such as news.